Sheep cheese soup
Horehronie region has a long tradition of sheep breeding, which relates also to production of dairy products from sheep milk. Our ancestors had already known a power of the nutritious sheep cheese, which was the basis of almost every meal. One of such meals is a delicious soup made of sheep cheese and potatoes. Tradition of this soup is mostly spread in village Beňuš, but also in other villages in Horehronie region.
Ingredients for 4 portions:
- 4 väčšie zemiaky
- 120 g hladkej múky
- 150 g bryndze
- 1 - 2 lyžice masla
- 1 vajce
- Soľ
- Mleté čierne korenie
- Rascu celú
Add salt, ground black pepper and whole cumin into the water and add diced potatoes
Make a thick dough by mixing flour and egg and grate it on a grater or tear in your hands into small pieces.
Put these dough pieces directly into the pot, where the potatoes are already cooking, for a short time.
When potatoes and dough pieces are done, add sheep cheese and butter.
The soup is ready to serve.