Potatoes of Valaská

Emergence of many villages in Horehronie is a result of colonisation by shepherds, which brought along sheep sheltering on our territory. The municipality of Valaská is one of them. Similarly, to nearby villages, the meals cooked used to be simple and prepared from self-grown plants and animals. The most common ingredient for the preparation of meals were potatoes. The potatoes of Valaská with cabbage are a meal that sufficiently satiated people hard working on their crops. They were mainly cooked on the “name day” of Martin, during the Carnival season or for the New Year’s Eve dinner. The contemporaries also say that it was prepared “as long as there was some sausage left”.     

Ingredients for 4 portions:

  • 5 large potatoes
  • 1 couple smoked sausages
  • 500 g sauerkraut
  • 1 mid-sized onion
  • 80 g skinless bacon
  • Ground red pepper
Tip na výlet


  • Put peeled and cut-into-pieces potatoes into a pot with cold water.
  • Add smoked sausages and a pinch of salt. Then boil everything together.
  • Add sauerkraut approximately after two minutes of constant boiling. On the top comes bacon cut into a shape of combs. Then cook for 20 minutes.
  • In another pot, fry bacon cut in pieces and later add onion. Roast together until onion turns gilded.
  • Extinguish the flame and add some ground red pepper.
  • Separate water from cabbage with sausages using a strainer, put the mixture in a bowl and cover with fried bacon and onion.
Tip na výlet

Chute horehronia

Región Horehronie je pestrý ako mozaika. Čo dedina, to jedinečné tradície, bohatstvá krojovej klenotnice, ľubozvučných nárečí a chutí pokrmov, ktorých recepty si tunajší ľud odovzdáva z pokolenia na pokolenie. Tradičné chute Horehronia sú rokmi ovplyvňované charakterom územia rozprestierajúceho sa v obklopení hôr. Horské prostredie možno nedalo Horehroncom toľko možností pre pestovanie veľkého druhu zeleniny či ovocia, ale s úctou dopestované plodiny a vychované zvieratá vždy s láskou využili. Kuchyňa Horehronia vonia po kyslej kapuste, zemiakoch či fazuli v sýtych polievkach. Chutí ako sviatočný deň spestrený vôňou jahňacieho, hovädzieho či bravčového mäsa. Je tvárna ako cesto z pracne narajbaných zemiakov či múky s vodou a soľou. Šteklí jazyk sladkosťou šúľancov i štrúdle s makom či fašiangových pampúškov.

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